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Unified International English Olympiad


In today’s interconnected world, English stands as the most widely used language for communication, serving as the first global lingua franca. Its dominance is undeniable, as it is the most spoken language across the globe. Children who are proficient in English not only excel in examinations but also thrive in various aspects of their lives, paving the way for opportunities and success.

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The Importance of Language Assessment

Assessing one's language skills is crucial in identifying and measuring educational achievement. The outcomes of such assessments significantly shape individuals' lives worldwide, forming an integral part of the educational process. Language proficiency assessments are not limited to academic settings; they are utilized across various fields to guide important decisions.

The holistic assessment offered by the Unified International English Olympiad (UIEO) is particularly beneficial. It helps to shape the future of students and plays a critical role in laying the foundation for their careers. UIEO aims to provide students with a comprehensive assessment that simplifies the learning process and enables them to master the global language of English quickly and effectively.

Eligibility Criteria

The UIEO examination is open to students from classes 1 through 10. This inclusivity ensures that a wide range of learners can participate and benefit from this valuable assessment.

Exam Fee

The exam fee is Rs. 150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty only). Students who wish to refer to the Olympiad Power Pack can do so by adding an additional Rs. 100 for a set of question papers.

Exam Pattern

The UIEO exam features different question papers for each class, all comprising objective-type questions with no negative marking for incorrect answers.

  • Classes 1-4:

    • Number of Questions: 35

    • Marks: 35

    • Duration: 1 hour

  • Classes 5-10:

    • Number of Questions: 50

    • Marks: 50

    • Duration: 1 hour

Division of Marks:

  • Classes 1 to 4:

    • Vocabulary & Functional Grammar: 25 Marks

    • Reading Comprehension: 5 Marks

    • Interactive English: 5 Marks

  • Classes 5 to 10:

    • Vocabulary & Functional Grammar: 35 Marks

    • Reading Comprehension: 10 Marks

    • Interactive English: 5 Marks


The UIEO question papers are specifically designed for each class rather than being solely syllabus-based. They align with various educational boards, including CBSE, ICSE, ISC, and several state syllabi.

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